Dear Diary...

I have a total crush on animal cell diagrams.

Let me illustrate my lust my Appreciation in words.

The serene backdrop color in a diagram is the most beautiful compliment to the deep organic shape of the endoplasmatic recticulum. I see the mitochondrion and feel my hands HEART clench. Do not get me started on seeing the golgi apparatus. The more detailed a diagram the more it gets me going intellectually fascinated. Similarly I feel this way about artsy diagrams of vivisections. Something about the forms and lines in diagrams is incredibly sexy. inspiring

You may read this and say, Wow dear you need to get your head checked. picked and displayed to the world! And to that I say to you, Nooo I dont really want to. Lol! Ok name the time and place! LMAO!

I think this strange fascination stems from watching Flatland 2007. Those guys are so cute with their organs on display i can't help it... If a 4th dimensional being saw my insides and liked it I would be flattered. Sadly I will never know.

I used to be really scared of anatomy diagrams and blood and gore. And I still am. But as I've opened my heart to cartoony depictions...well. My heart is very willing to love and lust for it all. It's strange, but I like it that way.

I've lived in fear for way too long and for reasons that are frankly stupid. Not even good reasons. Being true to myself is important. I LOVE LIVING IN FEAR.

EDITED !@/!^/@)@$.