I will make a new little cipher language. I saw this great video on what to do with ocs that inspired me link here.
Lets make this language together.
What should be the basis? Maybe Triangles? I think it should be based on my star cats, so what sort of motif could they have? Stars? Dots? Droopy Hats? Ooooh.
How many letters? Maybe I'll do a base 26 plus accents since id like to upload stuff in spanish too. How should I do the accents? Maybe a drop shadow? How would that work? Or maybe its cut in half with the other half shadowed?
Actually make the damn thing. Woof the hat idea sucks. Here is a strip of the language. Maybe it will be the final version. Maybe not. Its mouth shapes but also mind shapes ala bubba and kiki. Bubble letters for caps.
Refine and redesign. Lot of these are similar and are sucks. Lets redraw.
Ignore above step and hop into glyphr studio. Cry about never learning vectors. Blink away the sleep. Im only 6 letters in and i already wish to quit. GAHH VECTORS
Give up and try again later. Lets try with FontForge next time...